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Website Must-Haves

Unique Website Content

What makes you different from your competition? Make sure to have original content on your site to help better your search engine rankings to get found on the web and stand out from the rest.

Easy to Navigate

Keep to the standards when naming your website pages so visitors can easily navigate your website (example: about, services, contact). You don’t want any confusion or visitors are likely to click out and go elsewhere.

Social Sharing

Include your business social links on your website and add feeds that show what you are up to, right on your site. Also, make sure to add share buttons so visitors can easily share your pages and posts with their friends, family or coworkers.

Website Must-Haves

Call To Action

Every website should take the site visitor on a journey through the site. The design should clearly showcase the business priorities with a clear call to action (example: contact today, buy now, learn more).

Talk to Your Customer

Talk directly to your customer explaining how they would benefit from going with your company and what need will be fulfilled by your service/product to make their life or work better. 

Dynamite Photos

Make sure your website photos look professional if you are taking them yourself. Tip: clear clutter and have good lighting. If you don’t have images then look into purchasing stock images and using apps like canva or Adobe Spark to customize them to fit your brand.